Friday 21 November 2008

My dog' Daily Routine =P">
size="1">Original'>">Original Video - More videos at

Thursday 20 November 2008


FINALLY!!! I finished my photo story 3! But while i was recording i lost all of it! and had to start again... But i finished!!

Friday 10 October 2008


Today.... We continued our Photo Story3 and i recorded my voice and finished it! Finally i finished it and i really liked it, I made it about London City. I finished it before the end of the lesson, Miss wasn't here today and we were told to do a plan of how to do a photo story

Thursday 9 October 2008


I continued searching for more pictures, i found Big Ben, London Bride, Buckingham palace and other pictures and typical London stuff. It was real fun. Afterwards everyone looked at the tutorial and disscussed about it. And then i started correcting my pictures, adding sentences to them and arrange them.


So, today basically i played some games, listened to music, i helped out my friends finishing the research. Then i started my practice photo story telling. Me and my friend, Costanza, found some very funny pictures of lamas, and we spend the rest of the lesson finding funny pictures for our photo story. Finally we realised that there weren't very good pictures so we moved on. I decided to make London. I started looking for pictures, and than the bell rang.

Thursday 18 September 2008


Today we played a new game that was in year 8 it blog and it was a typing game that we had to write letters before the camelions or else they would eat the spider, after that we had to continue our questions and i finished until question five, but miss explained to me what the toturial was about and i had to do the question all over again, but at least i did it again so i could get the work well done.

That was my really "hard working" day :p

Friday 12 September 2008


We did some questions which we had to investigate about, and on question four we had to like research digital telling sotrys and then write about them.

Thursday 11 September 2008


Today Miss told us that these next few weeks we were going to work on a programe called Photo Story and we were going to do it with Miss Bouvet. Also we are going to use the Photo Shop to change and play around with some photos...

Thursday 4 September 2008


Today was my first lesson of it, and i started my new blog, i added my friends blogs and i started to customize my blog