Friday 21 November 2008

My Evaluation of Photo Story3

I started my Photo Story a long time ago, when i went to check if the Plan was right, i noticed that finding all the pictures didn't take only one hour or 45 minutes, so i changed it to more time and to get my pictures was really hard since my Photo Story was about my dog and it took a while to get her in the right place and doing what i needed, it took me like one whole week to take all the pictures i needed! Than when i did the storyboard it didn't take me about 10 minutes like i thought it would, it took me about four whole lessons to do it, then i had to change the narration into french, the titles, i had to choose which picture and why, and it didn't take me about 15 minutes it took me much longer because the reasons had to be really specific.
So the plan wasn't very accurate as i thought it was.

I really like to choose the pictures, because all of them were really funny. I loved creating the photo story! It was really funny when i tried to record my voice because i was always laughing at how i said it, and how bad it sounded so it took me about half an hour or more just to try to record my voice correctly !!
I still changed my plan, i still changed my photo story...

For me the hardest bit was to do the storyboard, it took me a lot of time to choose the right narration, title and change all of it to FRENCH! Although it was very fun! The easiest bit was really doing the Photo Story except the recording part.
Once when i was doing the recording the photo story had to close and i lost all of my recordings and i had to start all over again.

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