Thursday 10 December 2009

Access 2007

This term we had to create a database, either for music, the different genres, or for movies. I chose to do for four different types of genres for music, I had to insert different artists, one of their song from a sepecific album, and I could add more detail or information, like the date it was released and so on. The picture on the left shows a form, which is a simpler version to see whose it is from and which genre it belongs to, and in this case this one belongs to classical music. The other picture is a table which includes all the information from the whole table of the Classical genre. This project was fun because I got to learn other ways of organizing all my stuff and in a way which I find it very easy. I also learned to use Access for the first time, although I liked this project, I think it was less fun than the other ones we already did, but I tried to have fun. We had to use the design cycle; Investigation, Design Specification, Design, Plan, Create and Evaluation. The ones which I found more fun were the Design and the Create the rest was fine, and I was able to give everything in on time.

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